Thursday, November 26, 2009


They had a special on tv in 2007 about the "OCD Girl". They did a whole special on this girl whose life is ran by this disorder. She said she was misrable and sometimes contemplates suicide. She doesn't touch anything with her hands because she has a fear of germs. This girl is constantly washing her hands sometimes almost a hundred times a day. She said she gets so frustrated with her disorder that she punches walls.

I chose this episode because it shows in detail how OCD can take over someones life. As in the book it states people with this disorder perform repetitve acts for no reason and costantly feel anxious just as this girl felt. It is in chapter 14, section 4 under anxiety disorders.

1 comment:

  1. I saw something on this disorder on tv. It said that a person dealing with something as the fear of germs would wash their hands almost to the point of them turning raw. Its crazy to think that something like the fear of germs could run someones life.
