In 2007 on CBS News, Katie Couric talks about post traumatic stress disorder. She said that the syptoms include rapid heart rate, insomnia and shutting down emotions. Katie said that statistics showed that one out of every five soliders comming back from Iraq would show signs of ptsd. They created a modified xbox with simulated sights and sounds of Iraq. The soliders the put under these tests showed positive results and would slowly be desensitized to the fear they still had.
I chose this topic because it is a fairly common disorder. Many soliders and normal people have this disorder and carry it with them. This is one way our soliders may be helped so they do not have to carry the burden. PTSD is in the book in chapter 11, section 2 under causes of stress. This a perfect example of people with PTSD.
I wish that soldiers wouldn't have to go through the hell they go through at war. The soldiers that leave for war are not the same people when they come back. They suffer PTSD, and very often it leads to drinking to try to forget what they witnessed in combat. I remember one of my neigbors, who came back from the war in Afganistan, just couldn't handle his PTSD. it was hard to watch his family falling apart, and he finally died from constant drinking.